Protecting Marine Ecosystems

Environmental Policy

OUR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY We only have one ocean to fish in

Not All Sportfishing Liveaboards Are Created Equal

Our office is your sportfishing playground, and your playground is our concern. Liveaboard sportfishing charters and long range sportfishing with America’s Sportfishing Boat comes with a mandate to take care of our oceans, and we take our environmental footprint very seriously.

Sportfishers around the world are realizing and raising awareness about the world’s oceans. Once thought invincible they are now proving to be a finite resource in need of a watchful eye and environmental policies that help support wild places. Since our inception in 1971 we have worked hard to maintain a high level of environmental awareness and each year we take a close look at how our company policies are manage and make any upgrades or adjustments that are needed. The MV Horizon is the only sportfishing vessel in San Diego who offsets 100% of the diesel fuel we burn by participating in the Nature Conservancy Carbon Offset Program.




Our policy, “We pack it in, we pack it out.” No different than camping. We also vow to pick up at least one piece of floating trash every day that we are away from port. From balloons to plywood, we will stop what we are doing at least once per day to pick up an errant piece of rubbish.


The MV Horizon was completely repowered in 2011 with EPA tier II John Deer 400hp diesel engines. Not only are these 15% more fuel efficient than our previous engines but they exceed today’s most stringent air pollution requirements for marine diesel engines. These engines are so clean we received a grant from the San Diego Air Pollution Control Board to install them in MV Horizon.


Fish and game laws are designed for a reason, built for a purpose. Unfortunately, California’s Department of Fish and Game and the Government of Mexico are both stretched to the limit and do not have the resources available to maintain consistent on water enforcement. We ensure our guests abide by the laws that were designed to protect the oceans so we can fish sustainably for years to come.


The vast expanse of the world’s seas require the watchful eyes of the scientific community to provide valuable data to those who create laws to protect its tender underbelly. We provide transportation and a working platform for all forms of research and will continue to do so as long as the need for environmental data exists.